Process Overview
- Once you select your preferred recording plan, we will send you a basic questionnaire.
- This form gathers essential information to tailor the recording experience to your needs.
- After we receive your completed questionnaire, we will contact you to schedule a convenient time for a phone call. During this call, we will finalize the recording dates, discuss logistical arrangements, and clarify production details.
- Prior to the recording session, you will have a 30-minute phone consultation to share your story with us. Patricia Janiot will personally participate in this conversation, ensuring a deep understanding of your narrative.
- Following our phone discussion, we kindly request that you provide us with photos, videos, letters, and any other materials that are relevant to your life, family, and story. These items will greatly enrich the documentary.
- You will receive a comprehensive questionnaire to help you prepare your responses and messages that you want to share with your family and loved ones during the interview. The recording will be done either in person or virtually, depending on your chosen plan and the agreed upon date and time.
- Once the program recording is complete, and we have received all supporting material, we will edit your video within 8 weeks.
- We will deliver the edited testimonial video to you. You will have an opportunity to make any desired changes before we provide you with the final version of your video.
- The final version of the documentary will be delivered on a digital drive, and you will also be able to download it securely to share with your family and friends.